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Published Work

  • "Measuring the Ex-Ante Incentive Effects of Creditor Control Rights During Bankruptcy Reorganization,” Journal of Financial Economics, 143(1), January 2022, p. 381-408, joint with Ashwini Agrawal and Juanita Gonzalez-Uribe.​

  • "Responses to Eliminating Saving Commitments: Evidence from Mortgage Run-offs," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 54(5), August 2022, p. 1369-1405, joint with Steffen Andersen, Philippe d'Astous and Stephen Shore.

  • “Scoring Rules for Subjective Probability Distributions,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 134, 2017, 430–438, joint with Glenn W. Harrison, J. Todd Swarthout and Eric Ulm.


  • "Reduction of Compound Lotteries with Objective Probabilities: Theory and Evidence,"  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 119, 2015, 32–55, joint with Glenn W. Harrison and J. Todd Swarthout.

  • "Measuring Risk Aversion to Guide Transportation Policy: Contexts, Incentives, and Respondents," Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 80, 2015, 15–34, joint with Vinayak Dixit, Rami Harb and Elisabet Rutstrom.​

  • “Eliciting Subjective Probability Distributions with Binary Lotteries,” Economics Letters, 127, 2015, 68-71,  joint with Glenn W. Harrison, J. Todd Swarthout and Eric Ulm.

  • "Eliciting Subjective Probabilities with Binary Lotteries,"  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 101, 2014, 128-140, joint with Glenn W. Harrison and J. Todd Swarthout.

  • "Inducing Risk Neutral Preferences With Binary Lotteries: A Reconsideration," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 94, 2013, 145-159, joint with Glenn W. Harrison and J. Todd Swarthout.

Working Papers and Work in Progress

  • “Beliefs and the Disposition Effect,” (with Steffen Andersen, Tobin Hanspal and Kasper Meisner Nielsen). Paper / Appendix


  • “Cross-Program Differences in Returns to Education and the Gender Earnings Gap,” (with Steffen Andersen, Philippe d.Astous and Stephen Shore). Paper.


  • “The Welfare Consequences of Processing Compound Risk,” ( with Glenn W. Harrison, Karlijn Morsink, Jiamin Ng and and Todd Swarthout). Paper.

  • “Estimation of Ambiguity Preferences” (with Morten I. Lau and Hong Il Yoo).


  • “How Do Households Differ from Individuals? A Field Experiment in Denmark” (with Steffen Andersen, Glenn W. Harrison and Morten I. Lau).


  • “Household Risk Management and Intra-household Bargaining,” (with Mauricio Prado, funded by my DFF grants)


  • “The Preferences and Beliefs of Criminals: A Field Experiment” (with Steffen Andersen, Glenn W. Harrison and Morten I. Lau).

Chapters in Books

  • “Choice Modelling and Risk Management,” (with Glenn W. Harrison), in Handbook of Choice Modelling, Steffen Hess and Andrew Daly (eds.), 2014.

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